Somali Forgotten Minds: Iftar for Refugees x MOMOTHEXPLORER

For the month of Ramadan, I would like to announce that I, momothexplorer, am collaborating with The Somali Forgotten Minds Project.

Every week I’ll be selling a unique print on my website that will go into my Ramadan collection 2020. Each print will be 1 of 20 where 100% of profits will go to charity. 

For my first week, I am selling my: In The Sahara aka The Alchemis print. Each print is 1 of 20. Click on the image below for more information.

You can go buy a print now on my site. All profits goes to charity.

You can go buy a print now on my site. All profits goes to charity.

The Somali Forgotten Minds Project was founded in 2018 and has since been supporting individuals suffering from mental illnesses in Somalia and Kenya. According to the World Health Organisation statistics, Somalia has one of the highest rates of mental illness in the world. Our mission remains to inspire change and end the stigma around mental illness.

We've previously partnered with Dadaab Media Channel, a local NGO, to support individuals who are mentally ill. Raising funds to provide access to much-needed treatment in a nearby psychiatric facility. Documenting all projects and updates on our Instagram: @Somaliforgottenminds

We are entering the month of giving and our Ramadan focus is to continue to support the refugees residing in Dadaab Refugee Camp, Kenya. Their situation is dire and many don't have food for suhoor (meal before fasting) or Iftar to break their fasts with.

Without your support, many will be left hungry within this holy month, forced to break their fasts with as little as water and boiled leaves. 

Our aim is to raise $400 (£325) a day which feeds 25 families. Each family within the camp consists of 10-14 people often including grandparents and extended family members. Our goal of £10,000 will allow us to meet our daily target of feeding 25 families for the entire 30 days of Ramadan. The money will be received by Dadaab Media Channel who will hold the daily Iftar distribution at Dagahley, a community center in the camp.

In light of COVID-19 outbreaks, preventative measures have been taken. When in line for food people will either be given masks or asked to use fabric face covering. Volunteers will enforce a 6 feet space between people and only the head of the family will attend the distribution to limit crowding. 

 The Prophet (pbuh) said, "The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity" (Al-Tirmidhi). 

We hope we can come together to make a difference and support our Muslim brothers and sisters in need of this Ramadan.

You can donate here on their gofundme page.
