I got to write and produce a short film in 2017/2018 with an extraordinary team of film-makers.
Urban Stories Vol 1.
In the middle of the woods, late at night, around a campfire, two black boys tell the deadly tale of what happens when a young black man wakes up to a nightmare: a dead, white woman.
What I really wanted to emphasise in the film was how being in a particular place at the wrong time wasn’t great but being a person of colour at a particular place at the wrong time could be devastating.
I had the idea of telling the story at a campfire for a few reasons:
I really enjoyed watching ‘Are you afraid of the dark’ when I was a kid and it just feels human to tell stories across a fire.
Grounding the movie in that camp fire location gave it some mystery - why are they there? Did they run from someone? How long have they been in the woods?
Believe it or not making a film is costly and we couldn’t afford having a soundie with us on all 3 days. So we made a work around and had the majority of the dialogue in a singular location across one day of filming.
I had a few ideas for a Vol 2 but never got around to making because of...life and again, movies are costly to make.
You can find the link to watch the movie here. Let me know what you think.